February 6, 2025

Cleaning tips and tools will surely get rid of all kinds of dirt to the point of permanence. Dirt is the most unwanted thing in the house that must be eliminated to prevent its growth. The best time to clean the house would be during your free time or during the early morning and late evening. Through this, cleaning will be out of everybody’s way. House cleaning is done before the transfer to a new house to facilitate sorting of things that will be brought. Things that will be left behind are considered to be junk. There is a separate cleaning process for junk and scraps especially if there is a great advocacy of reuse, reduce and recycle.

Seasonal changes will also dictate the cleaning process of the home. When spring comes into the picture, the dirt of winter will be banished from the corner. Therefore, cleaning tools will be out and the work will start. There are various cleaning tools designed for specific purposes. The broom and brush are indispensable in every household. Almost all cleaning surfaces need the touch and scrape of those tools. If a house is carpeted, the need for a carpet beater and carpet duster is surely a must.

The feather duster is an all-time favorite. This tool in dusting is a victim of innovation. In the past, poultry feathers were utilized and bound together to form a duster. Nowadays, technology has a say and has developed a high-end version. The newer forms can really sweep all the dust and other particles as well. Similar kinds are also available with similar purpose such as the Hataki and Professor Fluff ‘n Dust.

The floor is another wide surface to be cleaned. The tools involve in keeping the floor neat and clean depend on the floor make, be it wooden, tiled, metal, and many more. The following tools involved are: floor buffer, floor furnisher, floor scrubber and floor cloth. Cleaners are familiar with these four in keeping the floor squeaky clean and free of unnecessary dirt. Squeegees are also popular tools in scraping surfaces. A tool called sponja is a squeegee-like tool that is popular in Israel. This tool will keep the water off for easy drying. Another tool is the mop that is also indispensable in everyday cleaning. This tool is commonly used in wiping off liquid spillage and even dry dusting. Noticeable transformations of the yarn mop to Velcro mops are very evident.

Other tools in cleaning the bathroom and the comfort room are used almost every day to preserve the comfort of living. All kinds of brushes are considered as handy tools in cleaning hard to reach areas. Those brushes might be soft or hard depending on the spot that is cleaned. Sponges are used because of its excellent absorbent property as well as scrubbing party. However, one must take good care of artificial sponges by eliminating bacteria. This is done by cleaning it or immersing it in a salt solution. You have to remember that every house clean up is not necessarily a chore but rather a convenient recreation.